

D1.1. Project Management Plan (PMP)

D1.2. Dissemination and Communication Plan (D&C Plan)

D1.3. Creation of project sub-pages on beneficiaries’ websites and project leaflets

D1.4 Synergy with the JA: meeting 1 (April 2024)

D1.5 Synergy with the JA: meeting 2 (Dec 2024)

D1.6 Synergy with the JA: Final common event (Oct 2025)

D1.7 Dissemination Report

D2.1. Integrated Social-Healthcare Development Methodology for Vulnerable Groups (initial ISHDM)

D2.2. Final ISHDM

D2.3. Policy Recommendations Including Public Health Guidelines

D3.1. Training programme and material for healthcare professionals

D3.2. Training programme and training material for healthcare mediators

D3.3. Training programme and training material for social professionals

D3.4. Training programme and training material on mental health screening for Ukrainian professionals

D3.5. Stakeholder engagement methodology and toolkit

D4.1. Detailed pilot implementation plans (5)

D4.2. Detailed Pilot Documentation and Reports (5)

D5.1. Monitoring Protocol

D5.2. Baseline Assessment Documentation

D5.3. Assessment of applicability to other vulnerable groups

D5.4. Evaluation Report



In Progress...

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