

Synergies with the Joint Action and other action grants

ShowUp4Health is one of four EU4health projects which will complement the implementation of the Joint Action to Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases and Cancer (JA PreventNCD). Expected results of synergy activities will include initiatives to complement the Member States’ efforts in the design, planning and implementation of best practices, such as evidence to support the development of public health guidelines and the preparation and roll out of new policy approaches; participation in and alignment with the JA pilot testing of innovative practices; development of capacity-building tools, such as training and twinning, health communication or health literacy initiatives; and support for implementation of best practices in health promotion and disease prevention.

JA PreventNCD




The Joint Action to Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases is designed to address the challenge posed by cancer and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which represent a significant portion of the disease burden in Europe, much of which is preventable. JA PreventNCD will support strategies and policies that aim to reduce the burden of cancer and NCDs, focusing on both personal and societal risk factors.

The project aims to reduce the burden of breast cancer by acting on modifiable risk factors and involving NGOs and patient groups, developing strategies that integrate structural interventions and individual health promotion, and the relationships between risk factors: pollution, the built environment, unhealthy nutrition, physical inactivity, alcohol and tobacco use.

The project aims to unite and strengthen civil society to stimulate collaborative advocacy, action and accountability for the prevention of NCDs with a special focus on alcohol, tobacco and unhealthy food and drinks.

The project focus is on the primary prevention of cancer, which will operationalise and adapt the WHO-EU BRIEF approach to reduce risky lifestyle behaviours, such as smoking, alcohol use, unhealthy diet and physical activity. Within the project a tailor and pilot large-scale implementation strategies will be developped for screening and brief intervention on modifiable lifestyle behaviours.

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